Dear Friends,
A year ago when I became CEO of Community Shares I wrote a letter to many of our longtime supporters. I shared with them that the first thing I did after moving into my new office was to write the following quote where I could see it each day: "What would you attempt to do if you could not fail?"
I chose to write the quote on the dry erase board where I track my tasks, to-do list, and ideas for the future. It reminds me to ask myself what I would do if there were no challenges - and then do that very thing in spite of them. By starting at the finish line, I can track backward and make a plan to tackle each obstacle in proportion. Rather than take on the full burden and enormity of the challenge, each step reveals its bearable weight and achievable task. Accomplishing even the smallest victories along the way builds our mettle, motivation, and momentum for when it comes time to face the big challenges.
Last month Community Shares of Colorado was awarded a $12,500 Challenge Grant by the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado. Thanks to you, we recently achieved last year's $10,000 challenge grant goal several months ahead of schedule. Our allies at the fund were impressed that we had the confidence to increase our challenge grant goal while others are lowering their expectations.
Taking on this challenge is exactly what we would attempt to do if we knew we could not fail! We considered our community of donors, the essential work of our nonprofit member agencies, and the efficiencies Community Shares produces in generating $10 in additional gifts to Colorado nonprofits for every $1 we spend on the giving campaign. In partnership with you, we know we have the mettle, motivation, and momentum to achieve our goal.
Thanks and regards,

Alyssa Kopf
CEO, Community Shares