Take the Polar Bear Plunge for Longmont Humane Society
Since 1993, the crazies at Longmont Humane Society have been putting their comfort on the line and raising money for homeless animals by participating in the annual New Year's Day Polar Bear Plunge at Boulder Reservoir.
If you are yourself a bit mad, feel free to join us. Go to www.longmonthumane.org to print out a hard-copy pledge form, set up an online pledge page - or you can just make a pledge for a lunatic plunger.
Call seven-time plunger Clay Evans, 303-772-1232, for a pep talk if you're thinking about it.....
And actually, it's not as bad as it sounds. You'll be amazed how quickly you can scramble out of 33-degree water when you really, really want to.....
- Clay Evans, Longmont Humane Society