Precious Mettle: Taking Charge of Your Community
+ Mettle: Fortitude, Vigor. People of great disposition, temperament, and strength.
+ I was recently inspired by an article I read online about a group of determined and capable citizens in Hawaii. Eager to build a new bridge, and tired of waiting, these folks took the bull by the horns and accomplished a $4 million project themselves. Click here to read this article.
+ This article struck a cord with me and made me think of all of the nonprofit agencies in Colorado who year after year do more with less.
+ It made me think of the thousands of Coloradans who give each year through their workplaces and who stared a scary 2008 square in the face and cast their vote for a better community.
Over 5,000 Coloradans contributed to Community Shares nonprofits in 2008!
+ It made me think that the most powerful tool we have as citizens is our choice to make a difference.
+ Come together! You didn't think I'd leave a Beatle's reference out, did you?!
+ Community Shares received some great news this week. We were the #1 designated workplace giving federation in the Colorado State campaign in 2008! We voted together for a better Colorado.
+ Didn't somebody once say that life is about 10% what happens and 90% how you deal with it? Maybe Lou Holtz? You all are a pretty good example.
+ When reading the article above about building the bridge one can't help but feel empowered. When faced with a challenge these folks realized that change was up to them and took the reins.
+ Change is completely our choice.
+ This is the spirit Community Shares wants to give all Coloradans. We don't have to settle for anything, and are in complete control over our community.
+ "When the going gets tough...get going."
+ I was at a slideshow recently and was reminded of an ancient Persian Proverb:
You can see the stars.
+ How lovely.
+ Community Shareholders are men and women of mettle and will no doubt light the way for the rest to follow.
Bee Positive!

Jason Manke
Communications Manager
Community Shares of Colorado
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