Celebrating the Everyday Philanthropist
+ I hope to see you for our annual Summer Celebration on June 3. Shareholders from across Colorado will gather in celebration of our collective efforts to make our community a better place!
+ The theme of this year's celebration is, "Celebrating the Everyday Philanthropist."
+ We should all take pride in the fact that we're a part of Community Shares. For 23 years Community Shares has stood steadfastly for choice in giving and grassroots, ground-up community change. We get everyone together once a year to celebrate this. Join us!
+ Every single day philanthropists all over Colorado make decisions which help shape and build our community. Giving back has many different forms but whether you give with your time, your talent, or your dollars you are most definitely a part of the solution.
+ I'm fast approaching my one year anniversary as a member of the Community Shares' staff. I don't have the organizational knowledge to tell you the very best year in our history, but I'd not hesitate to at least nominate 2008.
+ Why, you ask?
+ Giving back is always an inspiring and unselfish act, but giving back in the face of extreme uncertainty takes wisdom and guts. During tough times there is in increased strain on the community and the nonprofits who make it their mission to help. Giving when you yourself are feeling the pinch in incredibly insightful. This year Shareholders stepped up when they were needed most.
+ Our decisions define who we are, and I can think of nothing more commendable or more worthy of a celebration.
+ So, Bee Positive and join us for an evening of friends, food, and philanthropy! We'll tip our hats and raise our glasses to those with mettle. The evening promises to be a ton of fun as we put a close to the year and celebrate our successes.
+ You never stopped believing in our work, and we never stopped believing in you. Thanks for all your support!

Communications Manager
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