Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Best of Unconventional YouTube Activism

Have you been searching for ways to reach a huge audience with a bitsy budget? Me too, so let me know if you find something. ;) In the meantime check this out as it represents some of the best unconventional activism currently found anywhere. When you cross creativity and concern and then mix in a medium to distribute your end product you get a pretty sweet trend on YouTube (which happens to be my most favoritist website). Have a look at a few examples and then bee creative!

How about
Can Man? Now there's dedication to recycling. Oh, and this video has been seen by 1,318,559 people. That's 2,637,118 eyes! Unconvential activism is all over YouTube. Have a look at the Swiss contingent who froze their butts off (literally) while raising awareness about global warming. Think it's kind of silly? Me too, but this video has seen 1,468,000 visits!

My personal favorite:
The Bee-Boy Dance Crew - helping to raise awareness for the dwindling honey bee population.

Want to see and learn more on how you and your organization can get creative and take your cause viral? Please visit the YouTube Nonprofits and Activism Page. Put your promo videos online and increase your impact.

Get Ready for the "War on Talent"

Is our local nonprofit sector ready to engage in the "war on talent" with the government and business sectors as the Boomers retire from their leadership positions? How will our nonprofit sector attract the most committed and talented leaders? What will draw Generation Xers and Millennials to positions that typically offer long hours for lower pay?

The panel discussion will be facilitated by Community Shares CEO Alyssa Kopf and features a panel of 3-4 young executives already in leadership roles in the Denver Metro/Boulder County area, we will discuss why they chose to take a leadership role, advice to people preparing to take a leadership role, and what they've learned from being in charge. Please have a look at the report "Ready to Lead? Next Generation Leaders Speak Out" prior to the discussion.

This workshop is geared for current nonprofit leaders who are working on succession plans, young nonprofit professionals willing to take on leadership roles and anyone who cares about the future of nonprofit leadership.

Member agency Volunteer Connections is hosting (MAP).
Fee: $25

To register for these workshops, please contact Sue McCullough at (303) 444-4904 or services@volunteerconnection.net. Checks should be made out to: Volunteer Connection, 2885 Aurora Ave., Suite 32, Boulder, CO 80303