Bee Positive - Social Mood Drives Social Change
+ If the election process can be described as the quintessential American Roadtrip then I'm the kid in the backseat asking, "Are we there yet?"
+ After an October to forget all eyes are now focused on an election to remember. Mindshare has been crowded for months, fatigue is setting in, and societal acrimony is simmering on the hot collective stovetop.
+ I'm begging for Serenity Now!
+ Thank goodness for Halloween which ironically enough provided a little bit of normalcy to a crazy fall. Mini shareholders hit the streets in search of sugar and we could all open our doors and share with the neighbors.
+ The fact that this occurred with everyone in pretend mode was beside the point. It was just nice to see an uptick in societal mood if just for one evening.
+ What is Societal Mood you ask? It is the human equation - the collective feelings of a community which swing back and forth in never ending succession.
+ A measurable example of mass psychology are the worldwide stock market indicies (Read an interesting article about the madness of crowds here).
+ Simply speaking, social mood is the compilation and dynamic of the attitudes within your social circle!
+ Blind optimism? No. Just the recognition that your spirits and actions in the face of negativity have a profound effect on your community.
+ On this most patriotic of days please remember that nothing is more quintessentially American than giving. Whether you open your door up to the kiddos on Halloween or make a gift to your favorite charity during tough times, we all need to pitch in with a little humility and a lot of humanity as we wind down one era and wind up another.
+ As you make your way through the election I'll offer that there are no red or blue shareholders - we're all in this together. So go and cast your votes for a new chapter! Good luck!+ Simply speaking, social mood is the compilation and dynamic of the attitudes within your social circle!
+ As the socioeconomic malaise jumps the shark into the mainstream and becomes increasingly present in water cooler conversation we at Community Shares encourage you to join us in our Ambassador of Positivity campaign.
+ Look at the bright side, take the high road, and bee positive!
+ Look at the bright side, take the high road, and bee positive!
+ Blind optimism? No. Just the recognition that your spirits and actions in the face of negativity have a profound effect on your community.
+ On this most patriotic of days please remember that nothing is more quintessentially American than giving. Whether you open your door up to the kiddos on Halloween or make a gift to your favorite charity during tough times, we all need to pitch in with a little humility and a lot of humanity as we wind down one era and wind up another.
Best wishes,

Shareholder Jason Manke
Communications Manager
Thanks to for the inspiring graphic! To Toddo Harrison at Minyanville for the thought provoking daily words, and to Robert Prechter and Elliott Wave for bringing the most mind blowing concept (socionomics and the wave principle) to life on a daily basis.
Excellent comments Jason. I especially like "...that nothing is more quintessentially American than giving,..." and "...there are no red or blue shareholders - we're all in this together."
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Jason,
I noticed your interest in social mood and I thought you might like to visit Prechter's Socionomics Institutes' website: You'll also enjoy our documentary History's Hidden Engine.
Ben Hall
Socionomics Institute
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