Become a Community Shares Giving Ambassador!
+ Over the next 4 months Community Shares will reach over 200,000 employees through out Colorado to ask them to come together to ensure those most in need in our community are given access to hot meals and warm beds; the lives of domestic and wild animals are protected and improved; a louder voice is given to social justice causes and the arts; and our natural resources are preserved for future generations. We call this initiative the annual Community Giving Campaign.
+ The campaign is an effort to reach a mass of people, but is at its core, all about the impact that each of us can individually have on our neighbor, our environment, our community. $1 a day.
+ Giving is contagious. The enthusiasm of one person can have a profound impact on others. During this year's 2009-10 giving campaign we hope you'll:
+ make a personal commitment to be a part of the solution,
+ ask others in your personal network to give,
+ share your favorite cause or nonprofit with your team,
+ forward nonprofit newsletters, and
+ More specifically, we hope you'll become a Community Shares Giving Ambassador.
+ It's easy, it's fun, and all you have to do is talk about what matters to you. Send us an email. We'll send you a 2009-10 Ambassador Toolkit (along with some fun free stuff) so that you can encourage others with expertise and style! You'll also receive exclusive e-newsletters which will leave you feeling well-versed and engaged, as well as invitations to visit some of our innovative nonprofits and see their changemaking power at work!
+ Click Here to become a Giving Ambassador for Community Shares. Send this email to our Community Giving Manager, Erin Atwell, along with your Name, Company, and contact information.
+ Talking to just one of your friends about your favorite cause, nonprofit, or this great state is all you need to do. Whether you do it once, twice, or more is up to you, but the ripple in the pond moves further and faster than you can imagine.
The extraordinary results of many are often preceded by
the outstanding efforts of a few.

Communications Manager
Contact me here

Community Giving Manager
Contact me here
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